OSC's United Way Volleyball
Tournament Results
June 15, 2007
More than 270 participants enjoyed beautiful summer weather as they competed
in Otis' 18th annual United Way Volleyball Tournament on June 15, 2007. The
event, held at the Otis Service Center in Bloomfield, successfully raised
$8,052 for the United Way Community
The competition consisted of 35 teams with games played on 17 volleyball courts.
There were four skill levels of play: 9 in the Power division; 6 in Advanced, 10
in Intermediate; and 10 in Recreational. Many UTC companies were represented in
the tournament: Carrier, Hamilton Sundstrand, Otis Engineering Center Farmington
(OECF), Otis NSAA Headquarters, Otis Service Center (OSC), Otis World
Headquarters (WHQ), Pratt & Whitney, UTC Power, UTC Fire & Security, and for the
first time, Sikorsky Aircraft.
Top Fund Raising Teams
The Otis Service Center United Way Committee would like to thank all the tournament participants, the volunteers, and everyone who helped contribute to the event's success.
The committee would also like to extend a special thank you to the tournament sponsors: AFD Industries, Inc., AVNET, Bostock Company, Inc., Creative Dimensions, Draka Elevator Products, Inc., Eurest Dining Services, Mr. Trophy & Company, Peening Technologies, Precision Escalator Products, Inc., Pro Systems, Inc, PTL Equipment Mfg. Co., Inc., Quintana Associates, Inc., SEES Inc., The Bernd Group.
Reserve the date - next year's tournament will be held Friday, June 13, 2008
On behalf of the OSC United Way Committee, we thank you and
look forward to next year!
Frank Dyer, Ron Hemmann, Mike Henderson, Sean Mismas, Jason Philhower, Dan
Picano, Janet Stone
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March 30, 2010