OSC's United Way Volleyball Tournament

30 Teams Competed in 2002

Division Team Name Captain From
A Safe Sets Chip Dyer Otis-OSC
A Short Folks 2 Jen Kurtz UTC Fuel Cells
A Do Ya Dig Alvin Widitora PW-EH
A Kenny's II Judy Busby PW-EH
A First Team to the Keg John Delmonte PW-EH/HS
A Digging and Swinging Dave Bown HS
A Balance Toby Varghese PW-M
B Spiked Punch Krzys Barnat PW-EH
B Just-4-Fun Gus Garcia PW-EH
B Sharks Rick Harvey PW-EH
B Pratt & Whitney Slammers Kevin Spargo PW-EH
B Fabulocity Lorna Rivera PW-EH
B Net Wackers David Jang PW-M
B Play Tall Steve Santoro  
C The Power Units Keith DeArellano Otis-OSC
C The Crew Cristina Monteiro Otis-OSC
C Mean Machine Howard Lewis Otis-OSC
C The Leftovers Bob Kroll Otis-OSC
C Jerry's Kids Paul Francischelli Otis-OSC
C The Misfits Chris Nicolls Otis-OSC/SBS
C Girl Power Stan Nowak Otis-5FS
C You Can't Have the Mango Jeff Richards Otis-5FS
C Sand Eaters Jocelyn Colon Otis-OECF/PW-EH/HS
C TBA Leslie Lund Otis-WHQ
D Dunko's Angels Myrna Munoz OSC/Otisline
D McGuinness Mashers Ellen McGroary Otis-1FS (NAA HQ)
D Tommy The Tuna & The 9 Bacalas Jerry Mugavero Otis-OSC
D PowerPats Randy G. Henley Otis-WHQ
D Wreckless Bunch Channen Smith Otis-WHQ
D Mallory's Mad-Hitters Diane Mallory Otis-WHQ

A = Power
B = Advanced
C = Intermediate
D = Wreck-Reational

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This page updated June 21, 2004